Block detail #930292
Block Height < 930292 >
Timestamp 1 year 5 days 2 hrs 28 mins 33 secs ago (Jun 28 2023, 19:32:51)
Number of Transactions

1 FRTS transactions and 0 TFST transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 3,141,212.402 FRTS
Total fee 0.00 FRTS
Generation Time 1 min 6 secs
Block Reward 52.0985 FRTS
Base Target 87538440
Size 752 Bytes
Nonce 8716923000984760463
Scoop Number 2082
Payload Length 752
Payload Hash 545EC65D38B250C443BE8985AC0AE6A6CDF1DFAA3ADDB59D1C896F8D82ECC5E9
Block Signature CD164AFAAF571EF5C0EB85A69DEDC6F06C8380184D1435297BC709DC5E8D4D034A7DCD6BC087776D611E512EB32B006D5C5981DAB128960861B44DC829CCABDC
Generation Signature 4FDB4756531DBB0E7DAC41B4C9F53A1A56888C8D956245E5B74E5D4ED6666AF3
Block ID 15434223671943094231
Transactions for block #930292
Txn ID Timestamp Block Type From To FRTS
178857... 1 year ago
930292 Transfer FRUITS-53ZD-BQWN-3U8U-52YY-RFVQ-ZYEE