Block detail #739293
Block Height < 739293 >
Timestamp 1 year 4 months 1 week 6 days 12 hrs 53 mins 20 secs ago (Feb 16 2023, 1:13:39)
Number of Transactions

0 FRTS transactions and 1 TFST transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 0.00 FRTS
Total fee 0.05 FRTS
Pool (Solo Grower)
Generation Time 51 secs
Block Reward 52.1485 FRTS
Base Target 28989602
Size 653 Bytes
Nonce 8969282372937978211
Scoop Number 289
Payload Length 653
Payload Hash AC4253004AA7199FF62211B8452224CC772CC993B6A68953FC4BF27B7EE6AB00
Block Signature 85A91AE250614F8D00BFEFABE5621D6B2A9B3B3E3C12312E446B0085A12A80068B21A92D9EBCA897D76BA473C19D06253E7B0F7E849A98055F69F2BFEF81DEFD
Generation Signature 1C8E2EE1257E91004511E261636EBA9225EEBF3E1040D7FADAE67DE37A32ADB1
Block ID 8409549768975283836
Transactions for block #739293
Txn ID Timestamp Block Type From To FRTS
123166... 1 year 4 months ago
739293 Message FRUITS-7TG6-AUEJ-SWLX-8DW5-2R7C-27QB
FRUITS Activation Account