Block detail #553948
Block Height < 553948 >
Timestamp 1 year 8 months 4 weeks 22 hrs 46 mins 37 secs ago (Oct 10 2022, 6:00:38)
Number of Transactions

1 FRTS transactions and 0 TFST transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 1,939.49 FRTS
Total fee 0.00 FRTS
Generation Time 1 min 24 secs
Block Reward 52.0985 FRTS
Base Target 83225560
Size 440 Bytes
Nonce 891348147925016027
Scoop Number 2240
Payload Length 440
Payload Hash B29D8AB2EADFE50DBF3D67B032A623206DE574AEADF9335008029530C92F518B
Block Signature 146D5F6750ED4720B3A397F6D99EE92FBEBC9AAED0C6915997EBD8C8EED57607F67CA2E39FB4F6AE56E1DCA58A89DE22BBBC9A07BEA43FE633C3FD6D93A14BE0
Generation Signature 900C0516F1FD53C60DF5FDB287CD0C3E0655E1B5E69A806F4A496CB7C532CA18
Block ID 11683798581082205128
Transactions for block #553948
Txn ID Timestamp Block Type From To FRTS
201018... 1 year 8 months ago
553948 Transfer FRUITS-K3HF-NQA5-UPNJ-2MAJ-CA6F-WJ73