Block detail #494008
Block Height < 494008 >
Timestamp 1 year 10 months 4 days 15 hrs 54 mins 42 secs ago (Aug 29 2022, 14:07:58)
Number of Transactions

1 FRTS transactions and 0 TFST transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 25,460.99 FRTS
Total fee 0.00 FRTS
Generation Time 1 min 10 secs
Block Reward 52.0985 FRTS
Base Target 46262320
Size 416 Bytes
Nonce 6786199806891860183
Scoop Number 2870
Payload Length 416
Payload Hash AB5193B27BCB7CC5F901628F1EB344577DE02C1D4B62E7A7AF9E6EAB72373654
Block Signature E96DA8A45BF7468155F8600E0A28FEA2FCE3DE8C70E16A9FE674BE43B9333E0DF1E79E4ED2FCF9DDA67483840EA2E490B051B20B6C9759AFA8DA6C1CEB057E61
Generation Signature 9D02DEFECF215A2476F98A381D8BC2EF05465CEB9FB9ACCFBF520770CED815F0
Block ID 8281060484658880786
Transactions for block #494008
Txn ID Timestamp Block Type From To FRTS
118200... 1 year 10 months ago
494008 Transfer FRUITS-53ZD-BQWN-3U8U-52YY-RFVQ-ZYEE