Block detail #233090
Block Height < 233090 >
Timestamp 2 years 4 months 5 days 25 mins 38 secs ago (Mar 1 2022, 7:01:14)
Number of Transactions

3 FRTS transactions and 0 TFST transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 12,840.2779 FRTS
Total fee 0.00 FRTS
Pool (Solo Grower)
Generation Time 1 min 14 secs
Block Reward 0.1 FRTS
Base Target 338507328
Size 648 Bytes
Nonce 10561621590756566247
Scoop Number 3350
Payload Length 648
Payload Hash DA877CC0198312BB4F778BCA53E1EF9D0AA9D7B2C64FEC1153896661BF4A380C
Block Signature CB09E26E20CF6588E51CC76524B0AA811746A62272BCFF3D65F836CED944E206DC5BF383BF202D648E24C1BC65AFEB28F27F7B296629EB8A567C39FE69621346
Generation Signature EEE622FDD18DD26A098161CBFBA5E2A029530066F7A48D911690D345F88BAC4F
Block ID 2407291637841583564
Transactions for block #233090