Block detail #1288434
Block Height < 1288434 >
Timestamp 4 months 2 days 17 hrs 25 mins ago (Mar 3 2024, 17:29:18)
Number of Transactions

3 FRTS transactions and 0 TFST transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 116,120,538.1045 FRTS
Total fee 0.00 FRTS
Pool (Solo Grower)
Generation Time 48 secs
Block Reward 52.0985 FRTS
Base Target 235578688
Size 1.15 KB
Nonce 11299312752474212265
Scoop Number 2183
Payload Length 1176
Payload Hash 5999675244E3DBE4851220C763D4195710D05BEA600C0E41604E7B6404580B5F
Block Signature FD581E2D82C78273B521D3EC989BE7D850A0B0D1784969806A1BF1C9633058035E1DAF430AA2FF13D2990D508BB2B67D602F51DE42E889D9AB03FFAA7EE940DC
Generation Signature D2FD570332C1B8F37B419B8484E8FDE3E784E1A1B18838EE08EFD3F7601C6D55
Block ID 18309469061567954883
Transactions for block #1288434