Block detail #1235570
Block Height < 1235570 >
Timestamp 5 months 5 days 12 hrs 23 mins 55 secs ago (Jan 26 2024, 23:30:10)
Number of Transactions

1 FRTS transactions and 0 TFST transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 6,051,696.6646 FRTS
Total fee 0.00 FRTS
Pool (Solo Grower)
Generation Time 55 secs
Block Reward 52.0985 FRTS
Base Target 79967000
Size 824 Bytes
Nonce 17501445780755667507
Scoop Number 356
Payload Length 824
Payload Hash 632A9EA750413C748982CA787FEDA2DACE1551DF7FAF31890A0050D8144601D4
Block Signature 9C77760C926D731A75BAF70ACFD96D354CB4A4C0DFF36AA6B8CCDCB734AFC909C6E88EB846E49AB7887E8829AA42C4B2A25A68ACA73E196C1D3FDD1002E98E37
Generation Signature 6521314F592CA9F5618740C8C780C672E38E0C7E57D5C19D02D394A48B82B34B
Block ID 12965236044990240782
Transactions for block #1235570
Txn ID Timestamp Block Type From To FRTS
708617... 5 months ago
1235570 Transfer FRUITS-53ZD-BQWN-3U8U-52YY-RFVQ-ZYEE