Block detail #1068635
Block Height < 1068635 >
Timestamp 9 months 6 days 8 hrs 36 mins 44 secs ago (Oct 2 2023, 23:08:37)
Number of Transactions

0 FRTS transactions and 6 TFST transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 0.00 FRTS
Total fee 3.00 FRTS
Pool (Solo Grower)
Generation Time 1 min 29 secs
Block Reward 55.0985 FRTS
Base Target 82340528
Size 1.83 KB
Nonce 3316532454181109873
Scoop Number 2279
Payload Length 1878
Payload Hash 3418B618DC3881BC5F983E6545AD4F9DD582E6CB6CA5C583FB9C7D1C48439BC4
Block Signature 9F7A1EBDA1210E3C96521207DA67E037F5AB908F86EBD2603C975C1579DD6F02C65290EAFE01ED09CEA8BA648FEF5D307B5DABD6372C7A595461498F5036F27E
Generation Signature 8D6A0A94D0C60998557FDCE9F2B861649D4F3BA22561A00EB25FD57F49584B22
Block ID 7424693989654055747