Transaction detail #8389970840683678446
Transaction ID 8389970840683678446
Block Height 254507
Timestamp 2 years 6 months 4 days 17 hrs 29 mins 12 secs ago ()
Attachment sent by Clinton... follow the instructions on the link of the airdrop. before you submit. they will require you to donate fruit
Type Transfer
FRTS Amount 3.00 FRTS
Total fee 0.00 FRTS
Confirmations 1323375
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 2 years 6 months 4 days 17 hrs 28 mins 12 secs ago ()
EC Block Height 254466
EC Block ID 8802278573922342108
Signature 88BDF07CDC810F1E62F7A71556D6BFF8701FAA3262BE7B4D184E3BD6967E7B0A868F51CBC20ED5F7B3C72971858FFC0C11A59C3EAE3920B8C4DD36122EB27B74
Signature Hash 7d202f7905d04d64e271140739a45e91d4e420d27d80f0dc289caa74db8bf421
Fullhash EE0AD612072A6F7445A481A2CFABF64F5E7BE770E9CD26ED847A4836964C5939