Transaction detail #15514772782953459302
Transaction ID 15514772782953459302
Block Height 34695
Timestamp 2 years 6 months 1 week 3 hrs 53 mins 18 secs ago ()
Attachment ProofOfBurn - Smart Contract to burn coin. It send all balance to inaccessible account.
Type Smart Contract Creation
To Smart Contract Creation
FRTS Amount 0.00 FRTS
Total fee 0.5 FRTS
Confirmations 1323152
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 2 years 6 months 1 week 3 hrs 52 mins 13 secs ago ()
EC Block Height 34658
EC Block ID 1315616764334889538
Signature E66DDB82901B7CEDDE02283138CF56BB1A259F27F80E3F312AEC79EA1DB53E00E039013518755AE3381C5B7696ADB3FDA57F74A6CE42D706B9D3115921A5AFE2
Signature Hash f89d0b58e0dad957e4f950427be2d3ce42696242da495c1c12084adddcfe9049
Fullhash 66EED632A58B4FD7633DC810A279DA6039C996F765B13360216D75CDAAC0BCE7