Block Height | < 1711869 > |
Timestamp | 5 days 4 hrs 18 mins 42 secs ago ( | )
Number of Transactions |
0 FRTS transactions and 0 TFSTs transactions in this block |
FRTS Amount | 0.00 FRTS |
Total fee | 0.00 FRTS |
Grower | |
Pool | (Solo Grower) |
Generation Time | 17 secs |
Block Reward | 52.0985 FRTS |
Base Target | 173210768 |
Size | 648 Bytes |
Nonce | 6795616027682876 |
Scoop Number | 1701 |
Payload Length | 648 |
Payload Hash | E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855 |
Block Signature | F021191C7324A25A20F444D5E3CA2A92AAFC16BA57919618618934F08E39E6048D26582F37D22E8210C60894BFF62F57CF616BC6CD20999478FF8F3609D6E453 |
Generation Signature | 91D081183D9101673778616BDBCDC39FF6CE09D813263927AF625E304E9EDF5A |
Block ID | 17100237258637785735 |